Safety Training for your Business

It is important as an employer or company to ensure the health and safety of your staff. According to the HSE (Health and Safety Executive), over 160 people in the UK die at their workplace every year while over one million sustain injuries or suffer illnesses. Construction industries and hospitals are especially vulnerable due to the nature of their job, but all businesses are recommended to offer health and safety courses.

Guardian Angels Training offers safety training courses with the help of trained and experienced instructors. Our job is to ensure the safety of all your staff members from any workplace injuries, keeping your operations free from complications.


We offer a wide range of accredited health and safety training programs aimed at basic operations for regular staff as well as more extensive training for those in upper-management. Whichever your field of business is, we have training courses that cover every aspect of safe practice in that field, and qualified, experienced instructors to offer the necessary training.

Instead of just offering blanket training, each of our courses is specifically tailored for your business needs. This is why in addition to courses offered at several locations around the UK, you can also have our instructors visit your premises and offer hands-on training. It is important to do so because there are those industries that require extensive training due to demanding working conditions.

Our attention to details has earned us a world-class reputation for excellence in Heath and Safety and our hands-on approach made us a favourite among our customers. You can also find out more about our training courses by giving us a call or contacting our support team through our website.


It is common for an employee being introduced to a new job to receive safety training courses in their field. However, most employers forget that the health and safety training should be an ongoing process to cater to changing working conditions. This is especially true if the employee gets assigned new duties or if there’s a change in equipment or technology being used.

Your business also needs to receive the necessary accreditation in safe practices, which is only possible when the training is conducted by experts. After your staff completes the necessary health and safety courses, you will receive qualifications approved by IOSH, CIEH and QCF. These will protect your business from work accident claims that may be filed in case of an accident.

You also need to promote a safe practice culture within the organization to protect your employees and prevent any injuries in future. Remember also to start with yourself by supporting safe practice training programs and communicating with your employees.


Different businesses face different challenges, and safe practices differ from one to the other. No single safe practice instructor can effectively cover all industries, which is why you need an expert qualified in your field of business. At Guardian Angels Training, we ensure all our instructors are familiar with the kind of business being practiced so that they can be more effective in their training. That way, you always get someone who understands the challenges your employees may encounter at the workplace.


As an employer or business owner, you have the responsibility to ensure the health and safety of your employees and visitors to your premises. As such, you may be open to work accident suit if you are deemed not to have adhered to safe practices. This may leave you forking out compensation to all manner of injuries. Furthermore, these claims can be filed within 3 years from the date of injury, or when the injured party discovers your negligence may be the cause of the injury.

However, if you strictly adhere to safe practices as recommended by the HSE, you will not be at risk of such claims. In fact, having the appropriate accreditation from health and safety boards will keep you immunized from such claims.


Like everything else in a business, you need to be at the forefront promoting safe practice. Once you realize just how important it is, you really can’t ignore all the benefits of such programs and the security you get knowing your business and employees are all safe. Give is a call today if you want to find out how we can help you ensure safety in your workplace.