Care Certificate Training | Competent Assessor Training

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Care Certificate Training | Care Certificate Competent Assessor TrainingCareCertificateLogo


Over the past 12 months Guardian Angels Training have worked closely with Awarding Bodies, Skills for Care Associates, and Employers to create a suite of resources that will assist them with the implementation of the Care Certificate.  Of this suite, our Care Certificate Competent Assessor training course is one of our packages of support.


The Care Certificate builds on two existing frameworks and sets out explicitly the new learning outcomes, competences and standards of behaviour that must be expected of a care worker. The Care Certificate is a key component of the total induction which an employer must provide, legally and in order to meet the essential standards set out by the Care Quality Commission. Most notably training and education must be delivered to meet outcome 14 – “Supporting workers”.  The fundamental change to training and development for most care providers is the addition of assessor roles known as “Competent Assessor’s”.


The Care Certificate must be completed and assessed, before new workers can practice without direct supervision, it is therefore, the responsibility of the Care Certificate Competent Assessor to decide whether the worker has met the Standard set out in the Care Certificate.  This is a completely new role to most supervisors, managers, and in-house trainers and involves some complex tasks that require absolute consideration if a provider is going to successfully achieve the Care Certificate requirements.


Health Education England, Skills for Care, Skills for Health and the Care Quality Commission have highlighted that although there is no requirement for competent assessors of the Care Certificate to hold any assessor qualification; the employer must be confident that the person with this responsibility is competent to assess.



This is where our Care Certificate Competent Assessor Training will assist and will cover all the essential elements of the National Occupational Standard LSILADD09 Assess learner achievement and will include an optional recognised RQF (QCF) Level 3 qualification entitled; Level 3 Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment (RQF (QCF)).  However, Guardian Angels Training are not offering an “off-the-shelf” course that most training providers will, instead we have developed a bespoke workshop that includes both the Care Certificate standards and the Assessor standards.


Care Certificate Competent Assessor Training:


1.       Health Education England, Skills for Care, and Skills for Health have said that the assessment of the Care Certificate should be as rigorous as the assessment of any formal qualification and therefore evidence must be: Valid, Authentic, Current, Reliable and Sufficient – our course will ensure that your Competent Assessors understand how to ensure this in practice.


2.       Health Education England, Skills for Care, and Skills for Health have said that the assessment of the Care Certificate should include assessment of; knowledge, understand and performance – our course will ensure that your Competent Assessors understand key “assessment verbs” and demonstrate that they can uphold the principles of assessment when considering each different assessment verb in practice.


3.       Health Education England, Skills for Care, and Skills for Health have reiterated that modern assessment practice must include Holistic Assessment so to avoid unnecessary duplication of learning.  Furthermore positive use of holistic assessments can enable to evidence gathered to be mapped to other training programmes and/or qualifications to avoid duplication, i.e. to the Level 2 or Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care (RQF (QCF)).  Our training package will provide your Competent Assessors will the knowledge, understanding and skills to confidentially utilise holistic assessments to avoid duplication and save time and money whilst not damaging quality.


4.       Health Education England, Skills for Care, and Skills for Health have said that all learning, evidence, and assessment decisions must be appropriately recorded, we will work with you and your “Competent Assessors” to ensure that practices, importantly your Competent Assessors will acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills to ensure both learner and assessor driven evidence.


5.       Health Education England, Skills for Care, and Skills for Health have said that the employer is responsible for assuring the quality of the teaching and assessment of the Care Certificate, our Competent Assessor Training will highlight the importance of organisational (internal) quality assurance and standardisation.  Our Competent Assessors will all gain the skills, knowledge and understanding required to standardise efficiently to ensure to the organisation and Registered Manager that the standard of teaching and assessment is of sufficient quality that they can be confident that the worker has fully met the standard.


We hope you have found this introductory blog on the new requirements for a Care Certificate “Competent Assessor” useful and can see that Guardian Angels Training can assist with any aspect of the Care Certificate.


Guardian Angels Training are currently offering *FREE* Competent Care Certificate Assessor Workshops to the first 24 people that book, the workshops will be held in Bolton, Greater Manchester on the 30th September 2015.  In addition to gaining the required knowledge and understanding of assessing the Care Certificate we are also providing free refreshments (breakfast or afternoon tea buffet).  To book your free place please click on the following link:


FREE Care Certificate Assessor Workshop – 30th September 2015 


Further information on the Care Certificate can be found using the following links:


If you would like to discuss this further then please contact us today.

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